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Doing the Dishes


Whether you wash by hand or let the dishwasher do the dirty work, you still need to rely on a dish detergent or dish soap to cut grease and clean dishes and glassware.

Here are some tips to get the most out of your dishwasher:

  • Use an Energy Star dishwasher. Older machines use about 10 gallons of water, energy efficient models use roughly 4 gallons.
  • Skip the pre-rinse. Newer dishwashers can handle the food and you’ll also conserve a ton of water.
  • Run the dishwasher when it’s full.
  • Set the dishwasher to the lowest setting possible.
  • Run the dishwasher at night to save money on your electric bill.
  • Avoid the Heated Dry setting. Open the door and let the dishes air-dry, this saves energy and money.

The Detergent Dilemma

Traditional detergents are filled with a host of concerning ingredients and should really be avoided altogether. However, you still want clean dishes and don’t want to spend a small fortune on all-natural and eco-friendly dishwasher detergent. Fortunately, you can make your own dishwasher detergent free of chemicals, dyes, and other unwanted ingredients. Check out our Green Home Recipes for Homemade Dishwasher Detergent.

Washing with Strong Kangen Water®

For those who don’t own a dishwasher, or just prefer to wash your dishes by hand, Strong Kangen Water® will cut down on the elbow grease! Strong Kangen Water® is a powerful cleaner that will cut grease and effectively clean your dishes easier than ever before.


Strong Kangen Water® Dish Soap

Strong Kangen Water® will also save you money. You’ll use less water to clean your dishes than when using regular soap and water. Plus, you’ll avoid having to use chemical-laden dish soaps by making your own Strong Kangen Water® Dish Soap.

Make dishwashing more effective and environmentally friendly with Kangen Water®. Think Clean, Think Green, Think Kangen®!

Tea More Fun

Tea More Fun

Enagic® International Distributor

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