Un Hogar Ecológico

Un hogar ecológico significa un hogar libre de productos químicos y otros materiales que son nocivos para nuestra Tierra. Ya sea que esté limpiando, lavando la ropa o los platos, debe tener cuidado con los productos que usa y su efecto en su hogar y el medio ambiente.
En un mundo perfecto, sus productos de limpieza serían suaves y seguros para el uso diario, pero aún poderosos contra la suciedad, las manchas y los gérmenes. Gracias a su máquina multiusos Enagic, ¡esto ES posible!
¡Puedes hacer tus propios productos eco-amigables que realmente funcionan!
Descubra cómo puede mantener cómodamente un hogar limpio y ecológico con el poder de Enagic. ¡Aproveche al máximo su Agua Kangen® y descubra un estilo de vida libre de químicos hoy!
Otto Jan 25
Every day I find new ways to use 11.5pH Strong Alkalized water in my kitchen. My favourite is spraying my stove after a long day of cooking healthy meals for my family and 3 German Shepherds. The 11.5pH is great for cleaning up the spills and dips, a couple of sprays and I can see the soup spill lift up and float away.
It makes me feel good I am not jeopardizing their health by using chemical or alcohol-based cleaners, degreasers or sanitizers.
Grant V. Jan 26
Hi Otto,
The Clean Movement is building momentum...
Families are becoming more aware of the health risks of the highly processed food offered in grocery stores and fast food drive-thrus.
Many are looking for alternatives to replace the many harsh cleaners in their homes also.
Kangen Water has a unique advantage to offer a healthy and green solution to many of these challenges.
Greg S. Feb 07
Yes no more chemicals for your family including pets!
Lisette B. Feb 13
I use the 2.5 ph for cleaning windows, mirrors, cell phone and ipad screens. Cleans quickly and no streaks. Truly amazing! So happy I found this solution for replacing chemical cleaners and the healthiest drinking water ever!!!
Nav S. Apr 18
I love using the 2.5 ph STRONG acidic water at home and my workplace and I carry around a bottle with me everywhere I go.
It kinda goes naturally with the recent trend of masks and gloves.
Kyle &. T. Jul 13
The two specialty waters in 2.5 and 11.5 have been priceless!! So effective, multipurpose-full, and saved us a ton of money🙂
Grant Oct 27
I agree the 2.5 and 11.5 have become an important part of our daily routine...in the kitchen, in the bathroom, so many uses as first aid treatment or Sherri and I plus our 2 dogs.
There has been several recalls for hand sanitizer, so we are grateful for these amazing bleach and alcohol free alternatives