Receta Desinfectante De Manos Enagic No tóxico

¿Alguna vez ha investigado lo que hay en sus productos antibacterianos? Es posible que se sorprenda de los productos químicos necesarios para que su vida esté libre de gérmenes. Pruebe nuestra receta natural de agua ácida fuerte en su lugar.
- 10 gotas de aceite esencial (menta o té de árbol)
- Agua Ácida Fuerte
- Combine los ingredientes en una pequeña botella con atomizador. Esparcir sobre las manos y frotar juntas.
¡Sin productos químicos agresivos!
Sin cocamidopropil betaína, sulfatos (SLS, SLES, SCS), formaldehído, salicilatos, parabenos, fosfatos, MEA, DEA, TEA, ingredientes a base de petróleo, subproductos animales, perfumes, colorantes o cáusticos, no tóxicos, hipoalergénicos, gluten. -free, biodegradable, libre de crueldad
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Vicky Feb 13
This is very good for disinfections
Karel Feb 13
Fantastic no more chemicals
JParker Feb 15
This is such a wonderful solution to keeping a safe sanitizer and disinfectant handy.
Sandy N. Feb 28
Thanks , I will try this
Greg Mar 23
This 2.5 water is so safe and strong at the same time! So blessed to have this in my home. No more chemicals.
Teresa M. Mar 25
Can the strong acidic water disinfect iPhone screens without damage or used on granite surface .Thanks Teresa
Webmaster Mar 26
Yes absolutely! After-all it's water! But incredibly powerful water. Perfectly safe for all surfaces!
Jason C. Mar 27
Yes 2.5pH is non caustic will not damage granite. You can use on your phone as long as it's water resistant don't soak it.
Jason Mar 27
I love the powerful 2.5 strong acidic water especially during these uncertain times.
Loretta L. Apr 03
When bring groceries in my house, they are sprayed with 2.5ph water and allowed to dry before being put away. No worries!
Viera Apr 27
I never leave my house without my hand sanitizer. Also xcellent with lavender oil. Thank you for inspiring me.
Nikima May 05
2.5 water is all I use to keep my home and family safe without using harsh chemicals I have allergies to! Its so safe I use it to spray directly on all my goods bought home from the store. I spray them down will a light mist of 2.5 water then I wipe them all down after 30 seconds and put them away. I highly recommend it!
Steve E. May 23
This is especially beneficial while disease is raging all over the world. We can be safer without spaying poisonous chemicals all over the house and ourselves! Hooray for 2.5 pH Kangan Water!
Shannen C. May 31
Hello I’m new to Kangen water ! How much 2.5 water to ratio of 10 drops essential oil ?
Thanks for your comments
Fred S. Jun 05
You can ultimately do any degree of ratio you like according to your own preference so long as the Strong Acidic Water is the large majority of course. If you are filling a normal size soap dispenser for example, you might want 10 drops, I personally would only use 2 or 3 because my sense of smell is very strong.
Teresa M. Jun 06
What is the shelf life of the 2.5 acidic water? I heard it was only two weeks, before lose of strength .
Troy Jun 15
I would replace after a week, and that's if its in a black air tight container. If it's in a clear container exposing the 2.5 to light, then it would be less.
Robert G. Sep 26
Has it been approved to kill the SARS-COV2 virus?
Mike T. Sep 28
Hypochloric acid is known to kill 99.99% virus & bacteria, which is what 2.5 ionized acidic water is. However, getting FDA Approval is a very tough and expensive process for a specific product, so no, that has not been "FDA Approved" specifically.