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Ultimul Model pentru utilizare în Gospodării

SD501 Platinum

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Vă prezentăm NOUL Platinum SD501 în 5 limbi! Noul model cu platină are un design modern, restructurat, care se potrivește perfect cu bucătăriile elegante de astăzi. Are aceeași performanță puternică într-un pachet complet nou! Un aspect nou inteligent, însă același model fiabil SD501!

3 Reviews

  1. Marie Jan 25

    Love my SD501

    It is an amazing machine! I have changed my entire life with this thing! And the lives of my friends and family too. The water is crisp and clean tasting. I never leave home without it! I clean with the powerful waters. My dog is 12 and has been given a new lease on life since we switched our water. I don't have indigestion or heartburn anymore. I really could go on forever about this! Kangen has become my passion since discovering it!


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  2. Jean W. Apr 23

    I love my Kangen Water Ionizer! I have been drinking and using all the waters for 4 plus years now.


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    • Cage Jul 22

      What has been your experience with the finish holding up?


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  3. Diana N. Aug 12

    I love my SD501 Platinum and K8 Water education will save your life

    I used to take water for granted, but wow as soon as i started drinking this water my health improved im a complete different person, i have more energy, im active, my acne and psoriasis are a thing of the past, my fiance has diabetes type 1 and this has been a complete blessing for anti inflamation, he is an athlete and this water help him with his performance and recovery. My dad got hes machine after he spent so much money taking care of his prostate, he coldnt even drink 2 glasses of water before he used to feel bloated, now he drinks at least 2 liters, same with my mom with fatty liver, she is more active now. My nephew loves this water, my pets are super healthy. Our only regret is that we wish to got it sonner!!! Best decision ever!!!


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