Smoothie natural
Adaptare din Sakara - dieta de detoxifiere de 10 zile

- 1/2 banană
- 1 mână de spanac, spălat
- 1 cană de lapte de migdale (sau orice alt fel de lapte vegetal)
- 1 linguriță de grăsime sănătoasă (ulei de cocos, unt de alune sau semințe)
- 1 pudră de proteină
- 3-4 cuburi de gheață
- Opțional: îndulcește după gust 1-2 lingurițe sirop de arțar sau miere
- Combină toate ingredientele într-un blender de mare viteză, amestecă până la omogenizare și savurează!
Chris T. Feb 27
How long does the clean produce stays the great taste.
Gail Jul 11
Chris, did you ever get your answer?
Tsana L. Aug 30
24 hours! Happy blending!!
Debra K. Sep 13
Hi how are you, it's jeannie here and on you question about how long the produce retain their taste? When I cook with Kangen water any vegitable, meat or grains and pastas it tastes so much better and stays fresh tasting much much much longer than cooking the same ingredients with tap water.
I use the beauty and acid waters for rincing the ingredients before cooking. I also use the two waters for disinfecting and sanatizing my home and hands during the C-19 period.
Let me know if I answered your question. Thank you.