Compară nivelele de PH (acid sau alcalin) ale băuturilor obișnuite cu cele ale Apei Kangen ®!
29 de pagini cu sfaturi pentru un trai mai natural și pentru o viață mai sănătoasă cu ajutorul Apei Kangen!
Timothy M. I. Jan 30
This demonstration is life-changing!
Annette S. Aug 14
Yes it is 🥰
Lina Apr 14
It changed my life and my mother's life! Thank you Kangen Water!
Annette S. Aug 14
So good Thanks for sharing 🥰
James W. Dec 16
Wonderful. Just what I was looking for.
K Dec 24
The Kangen Water has really me by replenishing my body and keeping me hydrated. I totally feel a whole lot better. I no longer have my migraines, I feel like a brace new me... Thank you!
Marie Dec 27
Amazing technology!
Adeline G. Jan 03
Fabulous website....product looks amazing, how do I get one?
Julie B. Jan 17
Click on the buy now options
matthieu C. Jan 04
I've had a machine since 2012 and I don't know what I would do without it! Kangen Water has helped me dramatically.
John G. Jan 04
I could not finish a glass of tap water if you paid me! Now, I get up in the morning and drink a litre, then take 3 litres to the office. We have had our machine for about 3 weeks and are making full use of it. So far it has de-toxed me, gotten rid of a rash on my feet, I use it for gargling and we use the 2.5 water and the 11.5 for most uses, and feed our Golden Retriever the 8.5, and that has helped her joints. I am feeling great and I put it down to the water. Even eating less. Gotta be happy with that.
Grant V. Jan 21
Hi John,
Yes, this little change can make a major impact on your health.